This is the continuation of my previous post. In this post I will be talking about the 3rd and 4th myths.
3. Cell Phones as lightning rod
"There is a cell phone myth that claims that if you were to talk on a cell phone in the rain you'd be a complete idiot struck by lightning. I'm not sure how this dangerous cell phone myth came about or if a cell phone could actually kill in this way, but I'm kind of taking the "better safe than sorry" stance on this dangerous mobile phone myth."
During thunderstorm you must avoid using cellphones with cord connected to it. The cord may transmit electric shock to you. Even using cell phones outside is big no.
Some study said that "It has been studied that if a cell phone is used outdoors during a storm it reduces flashover, or the ability that skin has to resist the production of electricity throughout the body. If a body's flashover is decreased then being struck by lightning can do much more damage to internal organs." The best way to use cellphones during thunder storm is to use it inside a house or an enclosed place.

4. Can cell phones trigger a gas explosion?
"Have you ever heard the good old fashioned myth of cell phones being a trigger for instant gas pump explosions? Allegedly cell phones and gas pumps don't get along and you could be killed during their battle. Some gas stations even feed into this dangerous myth and plaster signs all over the place stating how dangerous cell phones are - so is this myth true?"
Well I think all of us believe in this. It's not the cellphone that makes the gas to explode, it is the static charge. When static electricity discharge it can create severe hazards while in contact with flammable substances like gas. So cellphones has nothing to do when an explosion occurs in a gas station. There is a study that shows it's not answering calls or receiving messages that triggers the gas to explode. Thus, some cellphones have malfunctions and coincidentally they also answer their phones or receive messages. I think any electrical devices that is malfunctioning would cause a fire.
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