Rumors about cell phones are getting high. Rumors that claiming cell phones are more dangerous than a gun. Well, base on my research there are 4 myths about cell phones that claiming your cell phones can kill you.
" If you have a cell phone in one pocket and a handgun in the other, which one is the most dangerous? Most would say that the gun is, but these four myths allege that your cell phone could kill you in more ways than your gun ever could."
1. Cancer

Some people are saying that when we are using cell phones we must use our left ear because our left part of the brain is prone to cancer. However, there is an article that I read that, whatever side of you ear you will use you are still engaging to high electromagnetic frequencies.
In this case we must do something to avoid brain cancer. Here are some tips to avoid brain cancer...
* Use headphones or a speaker- It uses less radiation.
* Listen more , Talk less - Cell phones creates more radiation when you talk or you text, not when you receive message.
* Weak signal? Stay off the phone -Your phone step up its emission to find a tower. In this case radiation is much stronger.
* Limit children's phone use - Children absorb twice as much cell phones radiation .
2. Plane Crash

Basically, cell phones won't cause a plane to crash. The reason behind this thing, is that cell phones may interfere the avionics system. FAA( Federal Aviation Administration) prohibit the use of cell phones in the plane because when an emergency occurs like emergency landing for some health reasons. They might have a problem in making contact because of the signal interference And also, another reason why aircraft companies prohibit cellphones in the plane is just because of the bomb threat. Cell Phone can be a bomb. Even it is just a handy thing, still it can make a massive explosion.
I will continue this topic on my next post. I'll just take a break :D Stay tuned and thanks for visiting my blog :D
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